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Painting Above: "Lifeline" mixed media on wood. 21x29   copyright, Ann Essance, Reflections of Life Collection.  





    These visions and prophesies, as 'seen' by me, are sent to you in Light and Love. They parallel ancient Biblical Prophesies and are for your discernment. They are sent with the best wishes that you may prosper and choose wisely.

    An ancient proverb from the I Ching states: 'That if a man sees danger ahead and takes the necessary precautions to avert that danger....(to paraphrase) not only is he a Wise Man, but he has also "shifted the danger" away from others.' I believe that. May these spiritual accounts prove to be a bridge of helpfulness for you, in these challenging times.

     Look Up! Look Up! Look Within! Trust! Have Faith! May the Peace of Christ be always with you!          Ann Essance


"Take up thy Cross and follow Me...but don't do it in bitterness, but Love. For Unconditional Love IS the Cross...Love." Jesus (message: June 14, 2015)


I believe what Jesus is saying in this message is simple: Tolerance, patience, acceptance, surrender, Faith, kindness, etc. All of these attributes form the 'cross arms' on our shoulders when we accept the responsibility to live, not only for ourselves, but others as well. 'Go forth and forward...onward and upward.' That is the CALL for Humanity. Simplicity is Key...The Golden Rule is Key. Let us turn that Golden order to let the Darkness out and the Light in! Then, we fulfill the words of Jesus: "You are the Light!" That is correct...He brought the Light and left it to us to radiate, to share, to make Life on this Planet: Heaven On Earth. How are we doing? Look around you...Radiate! Radiate!

Love, when radiated into the world through the Heart Chakra (center) permeates the atmosphere with tiny molecular-star-like structures of Light that expand the Light He left for us to bathe in. THE WORLD AND ALL WITHIN ITS SPHERES NEEDS YOUR LOVE-LIGHT! This most powerful Love-Light absorbs the Darkness; thus transforming it and expanding the magnitude of Christ's-Light. The very same Light that has permeated the atmosphere since the Crucifixion-Resurrection-Ascension of Jesus (A'Yeshua). What a thought to ponder! Ponder it well! Ann Essance

To the Reader: The following visions and prohesies were received by me from Easter Sunday evening, (April 5, 2015 to June 14, 2015) They reflect a portion of the visions that are now to be made public.  

Vision 1. Easter Sunday Evening, April 5, 2015 "Divine Mercy: A Warning for the World"

 I prepared for sleep late that evening. Jesus appeared in front of me, face to face, in His Light Body. His face was all I could see. He was that close to me. I looked into His eyes, they were as large crystals, then, becoming fluid-like mercury, I could see the Cosmos moving within His eye sockets. I saw, a moon moving behind the bridge of His Nose. In His right eye, the shifting of planetary-like objects. Out of His left eye, near the tear duct, a HUGE drop of His Sacred Blood fell.


Then, out of His Right Eye, came a rush or wind or energy that was black and white in color. Then, from the left, a stream of red and white energy flowing into a river of watermelon pink; reminding me of His Sacred Blood and Water; a River of God's Divine Mercy.

This river of energy lasted for more than an hour. It lasted so long that I realized that God's River of Divine Mercy was also a 'warning' for the world, as well as a reminder of the Covenant of protection for those who 'get their lamps and oil ready!' The Way is very, very narrow! It is 'on the way, as I write...


Once this part of the Vision stopped, "alien-like creatures began coming through His right eye. (They were definitely not of Earth and very frightening to see. I prayed a litany for protection and clarity. Then, I entered into various 'star gates'. I have no recollection of what occurred there.* (There are unspoken mysteries, not yet revealed by me; in large part, because they are hidden within the secret vault of my heart and soul. It is as though a type of amnesia occurs, until I am given the 'go-ahead' to speak them.)


*Just so you'll know...In 2013, I went through a battery of medical examinations and scans for an "unknown illness." Three of those scans and exams were focused on my brain. All results were found to be "normal"; and none of the medications were hallucinogens. These Gifts of the Holy Spirit are a Mystery and a Test. I do not, in any way, manipulate or prepare to 'receive them.' They just occur. Since they come from 'beyond space and time' I have no way to calculate the time-frame in which they occur. I can only document them. Many of them remain silent. However, when I receive 'The Word' I know that I must share them. I cannot keep them. They belong to you, the world. How will you receive them? That is up to you. You are free to choose. 

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Revelation: 21: 1

VISION 2. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015 "THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW EARTH" I closed my eyes for the evening and before I could begin praying, the background within my head was dark blue and green, luminescent. The green was on the periphery. The mood within, was positive. Then, appeared, the faces of a lion, opening his mouth and roaring...the face of a young lamb. There were others, but they faded too quickly to see. Within this same frame, other scenes began to appear. In came the NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH! Iridescent blue/green formed the background of the New Heaven, while the New Earth rolled into view. Appearing much like our present Earth, this New Earth possessed a luminescent quality. Each continent was luminous, jewel-like, and each was outlined with gold threads of Light. Another lens moved in. This lens was clear, superimposing itself over the New Earth (though, smaller). At this point, all three scenes were present simultaneously in this vision. (The figures in pink (lion, lamb) the be-jeweled New Earth, and lastly, the clear lens, perhaps the Moon. All clear and beautiful to see. 

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Painting: Mixed Media, Assemblage: 1994. "Wonder Child"  ( copyright Reflections of Life Collection)

VISION 3: PENTECOST, MAY 24, 2015 (Memorial Day week end) "THE FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT"

While attending Mass at the Independent Catholic Church, the Church of Antioch, in Santa Fe, I was gifted this vision. After the reading of the Gospel (Isaiah, 42) I saw a round golden orb placed within each congregants Heart. Once the orbs were placed, they became connected by a golden thread of Light. We were all connected as one body. Then, the Golden Orbs burst into Flame, upon each one, then the entire Chapel was ablaze with the Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit and the Baptism of Fire. 

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Above: Journey Into Light: 2001  Mixed Media corn silk, corn husks, tissue wrapping paper, linen, foam insulation, irridescent paints 8'x2'

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VISION 4: MAY 25, 2015      "TWO RED MOONS AND SOLAR ECLIPSE" While in the waking state, praying, I closed my eyes and there appeared (within my third eye) a charcoal-gray round orb, that I proportioned planetary size. It appeared to be behind a veil of gossamer-like fabric. The following morning, while watching the early morning sunrise, I saw, next to the sun, not one, but two red-moons behind a veil of gossamer-like fabric. In between them was the darkened (charcoal gray) moon, behind a veil of gossamer gray...(sort of like a flag.) (Luke:23:45)(REv.8-10)(Joel:2:31) (Acts: 2:20) ( There are two red moons projected in the summer of 2015 and a solar eclipse, as well. "The sun will grow dark, and the moon, blood-red before the great and glorious day that the Lord arrives." (Acts: 2:20 )

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Vision 5: May 26, 2015 "Get your Lamps Ready! The Expansion of the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation". Jude: 1-25, Revelation: 2 : 21

     During the evening, I was teleported to an unknown place. I could sense that it was not a 'happy' place. It was filled with the energy of deliberation. All of the ghost-like figures were varying shades of white, outlined in silvery-gray, amongst a very white background. Those in this scene...perhaps one hundred, or more, or less, did not appear calm or at peace. They appeared saddened, anxious and stubborn. (This is how they appeared to me.) When they saw me coming, I felt a chill wind. I smiled, but they did not welcome me. They, instead, kept deliberating their agenda and iced me out. (There were about 6-8 of them at each table. They were all males.) Jesus told me to continue to proceed moving toward them. I trusted, and continued moving into this space. (In laymen's terms, I felt like I had entered an elite men's club where women were not welcome.) I was told that these were the "Deliberaters from Church History" who doubted in the simplicity of Jesus' Command to Love God and Yourself...and your Brother (Sister) as Yourself. Instead, they began the complex process of "picking" that command and simple message apart.

At that time, Jesus reminded me that Love is the only Element strong and powerful enough to move Humanity out of the hell that it continues to create for itself, day-in, day-out.  

(Below: "The Stargate: Door of the Future", 1994, Reflections of Life, copyright)

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Vision 5: continued: These "Deliberators" doubted the Simplicity of Love that Jesus espoused. It was too simple for their complicated and distrustful minds. They believed, historically, on into today, that to "get it right" they must sanctify, delineate, argue, pull-apart, dissect,   Love. Therefore, "Theology" was born, born, not out of Peace, but curiosity and strife...out of scrutiny, not "Trust in God" but to "figure out this Mystery". As I approached them, they turned away from me and continued their conversations, ignoring me, coldly, disrespectfully; icing me out. Jesus said: "continue on." I did. As I walked amongst them, they continued ignoring me. Then, as if in frustration that they were not succeeding, about 60 or so of them arose and began "flying" in front of me. They were both in haste and their faces were drawn, angry and sad. Though they were all dressed in white, each was unique in their style of dress. Each had a unique robe or gown, and headdress. Why? Why were they flying at me? (I now believe, in retrospect, that they were attempting to get rid of me by frightening me. But they did not succeed, because Jesus had his hand on my shoulder. I was under His Command. And I felt very comfortable.)

All I could feel was Love, Compassion, Tenderness and Empathy, after all, they must have felt invaded. "Do they not know Love? I thought? As they approached me, they flew to my right. Then, the last one, the tallest one, stood in front of me, 'sizing me up.' I did not move. Though he did not speak, I felt an energetic field that asked:" Why have you come here? Who are you? What right do you have to come into our nest of deliberations about God? You are not welcomed!" I did not speak, either. I simply projected Christ's Love. Christ's Love is Pure Love. Christ's Love cannot be argued. It is One United Whole that Created "All That Is." At this point, I no longer felt that I was in an "elite men's club", I felt like I was in a "polka parlor" where the men had "no clue."


Then, outstandingly: Jesus told me to address them...

I spoke, thus, with Jesus by my side. (They could see me, but they could not see Jesus, thou I could.) I reminded them to let go of Fear and Judgment, to simply focus on the outpouring of Love for which God created them. "Allow Love to Breathe through you, through your EXAMPLE." I said. They continued to be still and silent. This Vision ended, as it began; abruptly, without warning. 

Vision 6: Then I saw a stadium-like structure filled with 'people' in white robes. This stadium seemed to go on forever. It was an endless gathering of souls from the beginning of Christ's Mission. They had come into my presence in order that I may give you these Prophesies. They are a gauge of time in the process of the "Return of Jesus." That Time is Very Very Short. Then, there will be "no time." Time will end and Eternity will Begin. (Isaiah: 66:2-3) 

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Message: June 14, 2015 LAST CALL!!! JESUS (Though I do not usually comment on Visions or Prophesies in advance of your reading them, I feel that I must, in the case of this 'Last Call' Message from Jesus. Many people do not intuit or believe that Jesus will return. Rather, they believe that WE are the Light that HE left upon the Earth. I believe in both. After, having received many prophesies and visions over my lifetime, I believe in in His Return. I trust in His Return. But I also believe in His Words addressing Humanity: "Greater things you shall do, also." Though, I understand that the title: "Lord of Heaven's Armies" denotes a Warrior King, (Rev. 11-20) I have also had a 'front row seat' to these prophesies, when I receive them. This is what I believe. I believe that HE WILL RETURN...It does not depend upon Him... it depends upon US! He awaits your invitation to sup with him when he returns. He will be visible to those who Trust and Believe in His Promise to do so, for they will have asked him to do so. They have invited him to do so. They will recognize Him because they have magnetized Him. It is my hope that you will read on with Faith, Hope and Love. And most importantly: if you have cleansed your heart of all unforgiveness , There IS nothing to Fear....Hope is near. HE IS NEAR!


     Do prepare yourself and your families with enough water, staple food and canned goods for 2-3 months. The transition into the "New World' will be very rough. Your Guardian Angel will advise and guide you in this transition. Be Not Afraid!

Please, read on...


"Listen up! Open, open wide the doors of your Hearts as never before. Let the demons out! Cast that which has harbored resentment, lust, avarice, judgement, wickedness, etc. etc. Cast all evil out of your hearts, in my Name. The desperation of your inner-demons far surpasses the threats from the outer media. It is your inner demons who magnetize and attract your temptations. Cast them out, now! The gargoyles and coded scenes in the Book of Revelation are meant to address your your inner-demons. Fling them to Me! Fling them to Me! I know how to use them and put them to work. I Am the only one who has the Power to do this! You cannot! Fling them to Me!** A'Yeshua


**The terms 'demons', 'inner-demons' can be of two main types: 1.) Spawns from the original 'Fallen Angels' of Lucifer. and 2.) the lesser offshoots created in our own imaginations that WE give power to through FEAR. From this composite of negative thought-forms, actions, negative gossip, etc. we attract other negative entities that have, over millions of years coalesced into 'negative dense entities'. When we allow these negative thoughts to take root, we are inviting trouble for ourselves and our loved ones. Prayer, meditation, gatherings of prayer-groups, can help,


I have found that the quickest and most amazing way to get rid of these unwanted intruders is to retreat into my Heart Space and clear out any unwanted resentments still lingering, then to shine the Light of Love upon them. Radiating Love-Light Blinds them, and they either stay to be Transformed, or they must Retreat. This is the Mercy of Almighty God, allowing them the opportunity to Repent. Fear Not! God Works with each 'Cell' in the Cosmic Universe in His Own Unique Way. "He knows when a sparrow falls"...When We attempt to control everything, we limit God from working in our lives. God Never Intrudes on our Free Will. He is 'busy' Almighty God, not a 'nosey' God...But, when we 'call out to him' He will listen. His answer depends on many factors. We are not the only piece in this cosmic puzzle, yet, each piece is needed to fulfill God's Master Plan. When we are sincere, we will be heard. Ann Essance)


Jesus (A'Yeshua) continues:

   "Remember, the first known gospels in the New Testament were not written for over 40 years after I ascended into heaven and then returned to Earth. 'Lo, I have been with you since that time...though in the background.' None of the Gospel writers were alive to witness, first hand, any of the events of My Mission. Much like Judas, the time has come for your testing of mega proportions. This was Judas' role in my Ministry. He suffered much to see it to fruition. He was the only apostle capable of this extremely important mission and was chosen by me to fulfill Prophecy. Church History has not treated him, nor My Wife, Mary of Magdala (Mary Magdalene) respectfully, truthfully or fairly. They have manipulated the facts for selfish control and power over the masses. But, you must also understand that there is a 'Balance' and all that has been misunderstood is about to be made right. You will understand these things when I return.

"The Great Tribulation is upon you as a precursor for that of Humanity. Circumstances and time have escalated and under My Command, maneuvers and Miracles are about to begin at an unprecedented speed. The rug can be pulled from under your feet, as never before. (The recent Earthquake in Nepal, is such an example. This Earthquake, was an eruption, not primarily from within the Earth, though the magnetic pull upon the Earth was a huge factor. Rather, the quake was caused from the battles occurring in the ether just above the Earth, between the forces of Light and Dark.) Your atmosphere is now being penetrated as never before as these battles for supremacy will continue. This is the Eleventh Hour. You must prepare. You must make every attempt to repent of all wrong doing and Pray....Sincerely. Be Ready!.

"Like King Solomon, I have the Power to use your demons---greater than you realize---more vicious than you realize---I will use them to make My Entry into your Universal Horizon. My Universe cannot penetrate your Universe unless three major factors are present. ALL THREE ARE NECESSARY, LISTEN UP!





1. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE...The cessation of back-biting, in-fighting, harsh criticisms of your brothers and sisters of other religions, sects, etc,. albeit, Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. I did not come to begin a "new religion" I came to fulfill the Prophecy of the Messiah and to LOVE YOU, UNCONDITIONALLY! The CRUCIFIXION WAS AN INFINITE ACT OF LOVE. For centuries you have continued to focus on the SUFFERING, rather than the TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF LOVE KNOWN AS THE RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION. This has not been your fault. It has been the misguided focus of the Church Fathers, some, who have done what they could to correct this misunderstanding. You understand that when you plant "seeds", they will come up as the parent seed. That is so simple! Yet, you insist on planting the seeds you do not want or wish to propagate. How ridiculous!    YOU ARE STRONGER AND MORE COURAGEOUS THAN YOU REALIZE. You do not like 'change', yet change is the nature of Life. Wake Up! My Brother and Sisters! Wake up!  


2. YOUR UNDIVIDED SURRENDER AND ALLIGIENCE TO ALMIGHTY GOD.This refers to Our Hypostatic Relationship, yours and mine. I Am intensifying my inter-stellar, inter-personal communications with each of you individually. Surrender and Allegiance are necessary for Obedience. Not only do I know how much hair you have, I also know the Color of Your Heart. No General can win a battle with a group of two-faced weasels!


3. THE EXPULSION OF YOUR DEMONS...THIS YOU MUST DO! LISTEN UP! The friction or traction necessary to open your Universe (without destroying it beyond repair) is where the expulsions of your personal demons comes in. When this procedure begins within each one of you, it forms a chain reaction. You must turn in the opposite direction, away from those who seek to pull you down. It will seem as though a strong wind is pushing against you. but you will weather it, if you are sincere. I AM right beside you, if you continue to walk in Love. As the momentum grows, the influence of the Larger, more Powerful Demons, will be weakened.


"My Ships CAN ONLY MAKE ENTRY into your Universe with the use of the demons! That is correct! Please, expel them as rapidly as possible! When you do, 'they 'look for work'. I have plenty for them to do! I ask each of you to embark on a 42 day Fast and Inner-Personal Retreat. Ten minutes a day of sincere prayer and /or meditation is all that is needed from your busy responsible schedules (not including the trite and obnoxious use of media.) Is it immediate gratification that you want or the salvation of your eternal soul? It is your choice to make. Make it now! This demonic expulsion should not interfere with your daily duties, though you will have to 'shift' things around. (This is good. Change is good, especially this change.) Offer this to your families and friends as well. You know, that is how we did 'things' in my day! Simple, simple, always best! For this Tribulation is upon your doorsteps. Recognize this now, and purify yourselves, NOW!


"Before you read further, take a simple, plain glass of water. Before you drink it and each time, thereafter, say: " Lord Jesus, Christ, thank you for Your Life, Your Light and Your Love, I AM HEALED, NOW. Amen. That Blessing will assist in purifying you. My Awareness of You is a Mystery to you...but not to Me. I Am With You, the Ends of the Earth and beyond...."Jesus (A'Yeshua)

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Be Blest by these Visions and Prophesies, above all, do not fear! It is both an honor and privilege to bring them to you. They are for you that you may choose wisely!  

       Ann Essance

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On my birthday in 2015, Ted Koppel's book: "Lights Out" came out. Mr. Koppel says in journalistic terms what I am saying in prophetic terms. Hearing him speak about his findings on national PBS news was a confirmation that what I am receiving is 'spot-on'.



During this time, the beginning of 2017, I Am recommending that everyone be prepared with 2-3 months of batteries, household supplies, toilet articles, pet supplies, bottled water, canned goods, dried staples and nuts, for each per person/pet.



IT IS BEST TO BE PREPARED! Stay Centered in Christ, fear NOT! Christ and his angels will guide us through these challenging times....if we allow and stay connected to each other, rather than oppose one another.



Preparing for the possibiility of a global 'black-out' is better than not being prepared. The upward shift in global consciousness will help avert such a dramatic event, allowing God's Plan to work for us! Creative Consciousness is morphic. God will use our prayers and uplifting good works to change the course of history in the upward arc!






"Better to be a warrior in the garden, than a gardener in the war!"** Peace, Prosperity, Patience, Compassion and Courage! Dr. Ann Essance, ThD 

 **Paraphrased Indigenous Master's statement comment from Daniel & Tana Amens Book: The Brain Warrior's Way

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(Corinthians 1: 12: 1-29, 13:1-13) 

These Prophecies and Visions were given to me on multiple evenings, but coalesced to completion on November 15,2017. (Though there are multiple visions and messages received (since those posted in August 2015, and more to come) they will be honored and documented in Tapestry In Time...A Woven Memory, Volume 2, sometime in 2020. (Volume1 is in print, Volume 2 is set to be published, mid-2018.) The documentation provided here is an abbreviated edition of the Prophecies given to me, to be shared now.   May you be Blessed by them.              Dr. Ann Essance, ThD


These Prophecies are very important because, as we see, Humanity, as a 'collective conscience' does not have the final say as to how and when Almighty God's Plan is implemented. Each man can, however, chart his own course according to the 'tools' he has. He can live each day in Love, 'taking the spec out of his own eye' rather than focusing on his neighbors. As Humanity witnesses the signs of the times, via observation and primarily through the media, we often see more...much more...that needs adjusting, correcting and implementing, than that which seems positive and life-sustaining. But, each man, woman and child has within the Power of the Creator to turn the Negative into Positive. When your car is in reverse, it takes just a 'shift' into drive to begin going Forward. Each one of us possesses the Gift of Free Will and the final say as to how we choose to respond to our present circumstances. Faith, Hope, and Love are simple indispensable Virtues that will 'turn the ship around.' The errors faced by Humanity are like a network or net that has become extremely tangled and knotted. It seems to have become so thick with error that it is impossible to see through the darkness. It will take an enormous amount of Patience and Tolerance to navigate these present waters. Periods of 'Resting with God' are critical. This means periods of Stillness and Silence to hear the 'Beat of God's Drum in our Hearts.'


But, our Good God knows the Color of our Hearts and our Intentions. He knows that we have often been mislead, innocently, and 'bought into changes' that have not always been for the good. He also knows when we have 'bought into change' knowing it would reek harm on ourselves and others. There is a huge difference in 'intentions' in that last statement.


By turning inward to the Christ Light, by expressing and sharing that Light with the world, through the power of Love and Good Works, we can be assured that God will provide us what we need, when we need it...How we respond in these latter days is up to us. No matter what belief-system you ascribe to...We Are A Children of the Most High God, and to know that, is to be Royalty at its Best. The Gift has been given...Will we choose to receive it? We must do our best to behave our Best! Recognize that we all share that Kingship/Queenship with Humanity, no matter how matter how humble. No matter our circumstances, we 'write our own ticket in these times.'


Mankind still suckles at the breast of the universe, while thinking that it (he) is fully developed. It is this arrogance and ignorance that continues to cycle in a 'three ring circus' rather than going for the Gold...Within... where the Golden Rule is always ready to be implemented. The problem is, 'Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you' is long as we Love ourselves. Self-Love differs from Selfish Love. Many of us have had tragic lives, yet we are still accountable and in control of how we choose to handle our lives. Loving ourselves, respecting ourselves also means Loving God...that unseen Spark of Life that lives at the Center of our Sacred Hearts. Saint or Sinner, All have faults, but we all have that Divine Spark, or we would not be here! Failing to recognize and honor that Divine Spark Within us, has ostracized us from God, and tangled the knots in the net. We see ourselves not as members of the Royal Family of God who sent His Son to Light the Way in this world and beyond this world...but within us, here and now. If we can't take steps on common ground, now, then how can we expect to climb the ladder to the stars within our Hearts? That Gateway was opened for us over 2000 years ago by our Most Courageous Elder Brother, Jesus.


As we see arrogance played out on Earth's playing field of multiple distractions, arrogance all over the place, on all sports, in politics, in churches, in 'paper hierarchies', in families, we forget...we often want to forget, the Plan that has brought us here. We must take time to re-connect with the God Within the Silence of our Hearts. We must put down our mechanical devices, that though good, are over-rated, over-used and misused. We have allowed them to become our 'nemesis'. We must go Within where the Flame Burns Bright to Light the Darkness. That is where our Intuition is also. (Sacred Scriptures and Sacraments also help to guide and bolster us, as we come upon multiple fortresses, walls, and barricades, one after another.) But, until we Humble ourselves; until we look UP and WITHIN, we will stay just as we are...Blocked, locking ourselves out of the Treasures that God has waiting for us, not only in Heaven in the Afterlife, but Heaven, here and now, Descending into Matter each moment, by the Power of His Holy Spirit. This was one of the Key Examples Jesus brought to us. He was not alone, many, many Spiritual Masters, over the centuries, confirmed His Messages...but Jesus had the Power of Divine Frequency to take the Message to New Heights where this 'Unseen Manna' is accessed in every Breath we Breathe, through Divine Intention. This access was made Permanent, with Open Access through His Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension. Every Molecule is impregnated with this Quantum Leap of Faith. Only He had this Gift to bring the World, but He never berated or belittled those who were walking their Path. Why do we? His was the most Tolerant of Souls. it is up to us to convert our daily lot into Good Will, but first, we must 'Live Right.' We can only encourage others to follow our lead by living right example. We are all responsible for our thoughts and actions, though 'the world' attempts to seduce us, otherwise. Let it not! The World can be Deceived. The World can Devour...It can also be a Deceiver. But let us not be the ones who deceive ourselves, for in truth, Truth Lives Within Us, Forever.

Dr. Ann Essance, ThD November, 2017


" Humanity! Live by My Principles...Simple, Wise and Just." Jehovah Jireh 

 "You keep running yourselves into brick walls and in circles...Yet, many of you have learned your lessons well. Many of you are putting your best foot forward. Many of you have learned to go Within, through Silent Meditation and Prayer, that one-on-one conversation with Me. Many of you have learned to ask: "It seems right and good to me...but, how will this choice affect the lives of others?" Many of you have had a serious talk with your 'Selfish Selves' but have chosen, instead, to share My Generosity. Ah! Yes! You have Grown! Look Up! Look Within! Act in Faith! All is not lost when you Turn Inward and Trust in Me. Time is short, very short. Do it Now!" (Jehovah Jireh, Message Given: 11/16/17)

(Genesis: 1:1-3)

(copyrighted protected by law, not be photocopied or reproduced by any means without written permission. Ann Essance, )


8/17/17 In the evening, I was awakened with an inner vision of a planetary-size, bright-luminescent light, brighter than a 'thousand stars'. This object was clear and shimmering. while at the same time, pulsating; alive with 'Life.' It appeared to be a Huge Portal as well as semi-solid-fluid Light. It was, at the same time, surrounded by a thick black darkness, that looked like tar and was so thick that I could 'feel' it. I was frightened, at first, then I heard: 'Shine your Light upon it.' At once, my Fear turned into Courage. I knew God was with me. This thick jet blackness was alive, pulsating with tentacle-like feelers that were attempting to take over or devour the Luminescence of the Light in the Center...but it could not. It lasted several minutes.


" The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." John 1 :5

... That same night, I was awakened into this earthly (3-D) world with an ALARM of dynamic sounds behind my head. This alarming noise was most unpleasant. It reeked DANGER. and it occurred behind me, again, several times, then; it moved toward the doorway of the bedroom. (It had a trumpet-like tone, but it was harsh, out of tune, extremely loud. It was an ALARM! (This sound and location also occurred similarly in 2016, when I was severely tested by spiritual warfare. And again in 2015, about the same time, in August, making three separate occasions, with multiple alarms and locations, each time.) I went into prayer and meditation for the next several days and prayed for clarity and discernment.

(Correlation: Rev. 9)

8/19/17 A vision appeared to me that seemed as a premonition to the passages in the Book of Revelation referring to the 'Scroll with Seven Seals.' (Rev. 5, 6, 7, 8) I saw multiple forearms and hands. At first I could not see the number of hands, as they were so closely associated. They appeared to be attempting to reach me. As they came closer to me, I could see seven hands clasping seven scrolls. Each scroll was unique, though consistent in size and shape. The colors varied from bright jewel tones with gold writing (of differing scripts) to pastels, written in black, to parchment tan with darker brown writing. At first, the forearms and hands holding these scrolls were in an 'infrared-crystal-like-outline'; then as they came closer, they manifested in 3-D, with the colors mentioned above. They were immediately in front of me. (Commentary: My immediate interpretation is my own. But, it has another meaning, read further "Seven Scrolls with Seven Seals".)


Multiple Orthodox and Christian Churches Celebrate the 'Queenship of Mary' on this day. Mother Mary holds the Light for America and the World (Earth.) She has appeared multiple times over the last centuries to ask for our help in order to balance the Light and the Dark Energies . She does not seek supremacy upon the Earth, as many religions wrongly believe. She is a Model of Virtue who is vested in Motherly Love for all of Humanity...the Divine Motherly Love of God that this World so craves.


The time has come. The 'sums will soon be totaled for the Good of Mankind.' What will the answer be? As we can see from the recent catastrophes, many, many people have volunteered in Love and Creativity to assist those in need. That is really all Our Mighty God asks of us: That we respond in Love to all in need, however we can. We can all show Compassion for the suffering ones and Gratitude for what we have, no matter how small. Compassion and Gratitude are important and powerful Kingdom Keys. 


Solar Eclipse passes over the Earth, making a full Arc over the United States of America. This was a 'WARNING' for America to take up its stance for responsibility, integrity and nobility, to lead by Good-Example, not by bullying or for 'Money.' ('Money' is not the is the 'Intention' for its use being driven by Greed, and Power that has Corrupted it. It can be brought back into Balance by our Good Intentions for the good of life and aligning ourselves with God. But Life in the 21st Century has become so 'Complex' that rather than hear

this Message, many will scoff at it, choosing, rather, to distract themselves with trite or volatile Social Media.


On this date I was given the meaning of the celestial visions of 8/17/17 (the coming of the Solar Eclipse of (8/21/17.) 


At that time,also, I received this message that the co-relationship of the Giant Orb of White Light 'brighter than a thousand stars', the Solar Eclipse, and the Divine Mercy Allocation were interconnected in this way...


These three events, (8/17/17, 8/19/17, 8/21/17) witnessed by me from another Celestial Realm...parallel the

energetic fields of God's Outpouring of Grace upon Humanity by way of His Infinite Love for Humanity and the World. At the time of this awareness, I saw the Crown Chakra* above the Earth open, appearing just as the Cosmic Orb had appeared to me in the evening vision of 8/17/17, only this time it was spilling out as a Torrent of God's Divine Mercy, by way of Massive Waterfalls of Crystal-Clear Divine Grace. flowing upon Humanity and the Earth at this time. (Though unforeseen catastrophes are occurring, they are, at the same time, waking up the ' Brotherly Love that has been 'Sleeping' in Humanity. Though the Media seems to focus mostly on the Negative Events, many untold stories of goodness are growing.


(*Chakra is an energy center, a vortex, a portal,an opening)

This Portal of Divine Mercy will last just long enough for each 

 Man, Woman and Child in Humanity

to make the Conscious Choice....


UP! or DOWN!  



The Softness of Love awaits with Forgiveness and Absolution, NOW!

God's ABSOLUTION is flowing to us! It is up to us to prepare to receive it!

This Portal will stay open in GOD'S TIMING ...NOT MANS'. WHEN TIME IS UP,



'The Way' will be too steep to climb and too narrow to pass through, from that point on.

You Must Come Home, NOW . I AM CALLING ALL OF YOU HOME! (Matthew 11: 29)

JESUS MESSAGE: 11/ 19/17

Thick, black darkness will cover the Earth....(thicker than that of Genesis, when ignorance was excusable.) It is no longer excusable for the WORD has been made FLESH and DWELT AMONG US. The Earth will be blanketed in this never before with catastrophic darkness and Humanity will have lost its opportunity to Return and Release its Errors to God for Cleansing. The Way is yet Easy. Release your Pride, Forgive All, That You May Be Forgiven. Soon, it will not be available, due to the cosmological train of events soon to follow. Humanity cannot fathom the ways of God, though collectively he insists he can. Everything good in your life, comes from Father-Mother God. Imagine a world without any goodness...that is what that 'thick darkness is'. Get your Spiritual House in order, NOW! And feel the weight of the world lift. Do Good! Do Good! 

      Science ( Astrophysics) confirms that the Universe is composed of 4% Atomic Matter (visceral, tangible) 23% 'dark matter' (visceral, tangible, culpable) and 73% 'energy'. That, my friends, is a lot of 'unknown.' But, I have SEEN THIS UNKNOWN! This dense, heavy, palpable UNKNOWN ...that is racing for acceptance into the Light, that it may Know Itself. Though we may not know it...Yet,

      SILENCE contains ALL. Go into SILENCE at least once a day...better, twice a day. Find that 'Sweet Spot' of Peace and Mercy. The All God Source is their with your Heart, always, in all ways. "Be not Afraid, for I Am with You, Always." (Jesus) Be Still, My Heart. BeStill!


Returning to the Vision of the Scrolls on 8/19/17. This was NOT from the Book of Revelation, as I had originally thought. The forearms and hands holding the scrolls were the forerunners, or harbingers from Civilizations Passed, that were Destroyed for NOT Obeying God Simple Principles. Thus, I was being given the 'CALL' to alert Humanity of the impending Destruction that is bound for Humanity should we not align ourselves with God's Simple Principles of Justice. (See Next: Prophesies 2015: especially The Letter from Jesus 2015). Waste No Time to get your Spiritual House in Order. Get on your knees, if possible, and tell God that you Forgive All that you feel have wronged you, Knowingly or Unknowingly, and ask those whom you have wronged you to forgive you. Most of All...Tell God that you are sorry for allowing your pain and heartache to cause you to clam up and not spread His Light to All. Do it while you can! 



Commentary: From my own personal experience, once you Truly Forgive...there will, in all probability still be pain, heartache, remorse and all the rest, but eventually, the Grace of Forgiveness will kick in and you will realize that you are stronger than you thought you were, with God's Grace to bolster you. Consequences are always hard to bare for sin; forgiven or unforgiven. But, God takes that heavy burden and consumes it in the fire, eventually, like magic, 'the Lifting of Burden' comes in at a time least expected, by HIS DIVINE GRACE.


"Now, walk another way...The Way of the Cross. You must grow in Love, Tolerance and Kindness. You must take Responsibility for every action and guard your ways, lest the Darkness make all attempts to cast you deeper into Itself, Darker than before. The 'Way of the World ' and 'The Way of the Cross' are two juxt-opposed positions, however, you are meant to 'walk in the world' in order to spread the Christ Light and to make the world a better place. Guard your Heart at All Costs and know that you are Safe. Call upon the Angels of God to Cover you with Heavenly Protection. Always, always contemplate the consequences for plans of action that are manipulative and controlling. Know that they are divisive and temporal, but may not be worth the price they bear. Good Will and Brotherly Love are always simple courtesies from the Heart of God through your Hearts. They ALWAYS reap the Gold of Divine Mercy and Grace." JESUS

"God our Father, we see clearly each day that we may and do forgive every trespass that man has brought forth into this Kingdom. Thus we are not tempted to set up man's creations for your creations."

(Excerpted from the manuscript of the Original of the Lord's Prayer found 50 years after the Crucifixion in a Far Eastern Monastery in the Himalayas.) (Masters of the Far East, Volume 6, p 141, Devorss & Co.)

NOW...Try This Practical Exercise

This simple exercise should help you sort through your issue(s), coupled with Prayer and Meditation. (Allow Patience and Time to help heal your discomfort, also.) Divide a sheet of paper in half with a line down the middle. "Pros" and "Cons". Don't play games with yourselves. Denial can be a deadly game. Then, put this list away for a couple of days. Go back to it; scratch off whatever does not apply, then prioritize your viable options and consequences. Once you see the separation of your issues it should shed light on your direction, bringing about a Unified Closure, (where possible.) We are not in control of all situations. But, it is we who make the choices as to how we will proceed. Put one foot in front of the other, then, walk in the Light of the Best Direction for All Concerned. (Eventually...We Will Dance!)


I invite you to say this prayer with me, for those in Humanity

who do not have the opportunity to see this message,

Please pray for them with me: 

In the Holy Name: God ! We call All (add your list, here ) ALL,who in the name of Love, Joy and Peace have given their All; Knowingly, Courageously and with Great Certainty that One Love May Reign within the Hearts and Minds of Humanity; anchoring Peace into the Central Core of Planet Earth. We ask God...You, Who Art All in All, to hear this prayer, as we Radiate and Extend our Collective Good Will into this Universe, and All Universes, in this moment of Conception and Transformation for Life throughout Infinity. We Invite All who hear and wish within the Fire and Free Will of their Hearts and Souls to Speak Sing Dance Radiate and Express from the Silence God the Resounding, Eternal One Love NOW Made Manifest Upon Planet Earth Amen and Amen   

( Rev. 7: 10)

Thanks to all those who read this prayer. I Am Assured it Will make a Significant Difference 'Collectively' for the Human Race. Thank you, My Brothers and Sisters of All Races, of All Religions. Christ Came for Us All,...For Us All.

All that was ever needed has been provided

We will ascend in Wisdom when we accept

Our present circumstances,   then

Take Responsibility to move Forward

in Cooperation as Brothers and Sisters

Only then, will we Rise as a Humanity...

Only then...

Eventually, we will Learn..      All that was ever needed      has been provided

It is We     who must turn the Tides...


(Copyrighted: all rules apply. to all information included on these pages of Prophesies . For further information, see details on Home Page

Thank you for your support and cooperation.    Ann Essance, ThD)  





Ann Essance


Thank you for reading these Prophesies. They have been given to you as I have received them, with the exception of the last paragraph, lines, 3,4, 5, highlighted in red, (January 18, 2022.)   I pray that you will choose to ponder them and be richly blessed by them. Despite what appears on the News and in the "outside" world, create your own world of inner

peace. May the Peace of Christ be with you!                        Rev. Ann Essance

Prophesies are listed in chronological order, as they were

received.  (Please note: 2016 & 2019 were not received.)

2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 are available, below.

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Shavu'ot ~ Pentecost Sunday, 2018, 2:00 am, (MST)



    On May 20, 2018, at 2:00AM, MST, the precipitation of Cosmic Creative Love took place within the Heart and Core of Mother Earth, in a Divine Alchemical Moment. At that time, within the deepest Silence of a mysterious chamber, known only to GOD, the precipitous amalgamation of the GOLD OF LOVE* was anchored permanently into the Mother, we call Earth, our home.


*This Gold is of a higher frequency from 'past gold', in that it is amalgamated from the expanded etheric dimensions of Heaven, coupled with the prayers and sincere supplications from the Peoples of Planet Earth along with peaceable components and societies inhabiting the Cosmos.


Though Divine Alchemy is a Mystery of the Highest Majestic Order, and has been acknowledged as such by Mystics, Scientists, and Masters for centuries, I am honored and humbled to have been given access to this information through Divine Inspiration and the Power of the Holy Spirit. All Visions, and Messages are under GOD'S Authority, and are received innocently, always, unexpectedly. I hope that you will treasure this sharing as an honor, also, and treat it with Sacred Respect. You are invited to pass these Prophecies along, only by means of this official website. (www. ALL RIGHTS PROTECTED BY INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS

     This information is presented for the purpose of assisting Humanity's preparation for the events that are escalating on the Planet, now. What you will read from this point on was received by me in the 'flash of an eye,' through multiple lenses and visions. Then, it took approximately fourteen hours to translate and communicate them for you. 

In the Beginning, there was only Love, Light and Ether.....

     We begin this Cosmic Journey billions of years ago, when the Earth first 'awoke' to her destiny, as the future home to 'Human' life in form, within the 'Cosmic Agenda.' Cosmic Seeds, planted on Earth's soil, through her reception of cosmic dust from multiple constellations and galaxies took root on her body. Eventually, billions of years later, Man, left his home in Paradise and chose his destination into 'dense matter', here, on Earth.

     God, in Its benevolence, allowed man this opportunity to 'spread his wings.' Thus, multiple Sacred Scriptures depict correlating allegories of 'The Garden', and Adam and Eve, progenitors of the New Species of Evolving Consciousness in dense form, known as 'Humanity.'


     But, all did not go smoothly for our First Parents, (nor us, into the future.) God's Gift of Freedom into dense matter, had 'strings.' In order for Humanity to grow into its highest form, it would have to develop 'Soul Consciousness', along with a 'Personal Conscience.' So, it was that our ether reality, followed us to Earth, but was dormant within us. What Humanity had to grow to understand was that though it was always Free...always Free to Be in accord with Life, it would need to be educated by Higher Lifeforms, in order to reach its full potential, for the entrapment into dense matter would be like pulling oneself out of quick-sand,where the mind and body would be consumed.


     Though God, would always be there...watching us struggle, in order to regain our sense of Balance, within ourselves, and at the same time, navigate this world, we would have to work very hard to achieve what was easy in the Heavens.....At times, God's Hand would extend by way of Divine Mercy, provided we had Faith and cried loud enough. Then, when cosmic cycles approached, an Avatar would arrive....just in the nick of time! right on time! Such as it was, with many saints and sages and world leaders, both religious and cultural, who brought us assistance.


     What Humanity did not understand, was that it had 'landed' on land that was Billions of years in the making. In those billions of years, the Earth's creative processes of Nature, prepared the density of matter for us, to make us feel like we belonged, that we had sustenance, here. When the time came and we were 'plopped' down, we were given a one-way-ticket, until the phenomenon we call 'death' occurred. We eventually acclimated to our new environment and forgot all about our Origins in the misty, ethereal realms of Heaven. But something else happened that distracted us from our ethereal roots....


     Humanity knew Satan and his Legions', but they knew them as 'Angels of Light' in the Heavens. They were not prepared for Satan and his Legions' 'Shadow,' here on Earth. These Shadows of Darkness were a mystery to our first ancestors, because the 'apple cart' could be overturned in an instant, here, while in Heaven, all was 'cool.' With the potential for harm and destruction upon Earth, never before known, dangers grew stronger, and so did Superstitions, and Fear. They fed into each other. Soon, Humanity's creative energy was consumed fending off unknown dragons, rather than creating its Cooperative Future. He would need to merge the finest ether of consciousness with the densest matter...but, How could he, if he had forgotten his Origins? While in the Heavens, Man feasted on Manna, now, for the first time in his life, man had to find his own food in order to survive in physical form.

     That search for food involved all species that Mother Earth had prepared for her new inhabitants...Humanity. And Humanity would have to wake and go to sleep in FEAR. Once the need to 'take from others', rather than, 'be given abundance' occurred, Humanity, metaphorically, was on the 'road less traveled, rather than the road to Oz.' But, GOD is not mocked, not even by his arrogant children....GOD always has been 'a Fisher of Men'....

     Voila! Due to the Buoyancy of Consciousness, Humanity's time-frame to re-gain his equilibrium did not take billions of years, as it did for Mother Earth to prepare for his entrance ...but thousands...a huge difference.

(The painting below depicts that time frame in art form.) 

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 'The History of Humanity in the Gardens' Ann Essance, 1979, copyright protected, Reflections of Life Collection. This Abstract Expressionistic Painting is taken from the allegorical, mythological tales found in Scriptures, from all Religions and Cultures. Find the 'Apple' that started it all...Find the symbolic 'Fall of Man'...Find the reflection of 'Heaven and Earth'...Find Man's Triumph in his 'Conjunctio'...the Marriage of Spirit and Matter in The Tree of Life. Find Peace within yourselves....then, Peace will come to the World.



     As Humanity immersed itself into the physical senses, it believed that it was what it saw, tasted, touched, heard and smelled. Its Creativity was consumed by searching for food. Soon, the senses of mankind, saw itself as much lower in Consciousness than its Creator ever intended. The ethereal component from which Humanity had descended, was all but lost between the physical senses and the Shadow of dark matter, hiding, hoping for a 'snatch', until their hour (Satan's Legions) had come.


Now, that 'hour' in the annals of the 'space/time continuum has come and is about over....Mankind stands at the Apex of this current Civilization comprised of multiple cultures, educational systems, technological extensions, religions, systems of governments, etc. and yet, he continues to flounder and wonder...???.... Things have not gone as GOD had hoped, so He has sent multiple Peace Warriors all along the way to 'coax' mankind's growth into reclaiming his Birthright of his true heritage...his Soul Consciousness. That Original Ethereal Consciousness is still contained...and will ever be within Humanity, waiting to be called forth, as the 'Sleeping Giant' containing the Wisdom of the Ages....fully awake and aware of its Power for Good or Evil.

An Overview....

     563-480 BCE, GOD sent Lord Buddha to assist in Humanity's Spiritual Growth through dense matter, back to his Edenic State. Buddha planted the seeds for the next Cosmic step in Humanity's Spiritual Growth. Years later, though the seeds had been planted, guiding Humanity to Peace, Humanity appeared dormant...controlled by the lower Satanic Forces. So, the time had arrived. The following increment in Planetary Evolution and Human Consciousness was birthed into dense matter by A'Yeshua*...Alpha Life Bringer...The New Adamas.* His Higher Frequency brought in the New Paradigm.

(*Rock; or Cornerstone.")


A'Yeshua would prepare for his Mission by, in part, studying, not only the Hebrew Torah, embracing the Jewish Tradition, into which he was born and reared...but, most importantly, he would journey to learn of the Oracles of Greece, then on to India, Nepal, Tibet and China to study the ancient manuscripts of the Buddha's, the Brahman's, the Jain's and other lesser known religions. HIS WAS A COSMIC MISSION. Within the scrutiny of his adoptive thesis, he included many of these Ancient Eastern Philosophies and ancient truths, (which have not been incorporated into the Torah or Christian Bible), but are now being revealed throughout the Middle and Far East through archaeological excavations and research. 

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'Wonder Child' Ann Essance, copyright, Reflections of Life Collection, 1992. (agates, pearls, quartz crystals, tree branch, tree bark, clay, paints, inks on wood board.)

This mixed media assemblage painting reflects the statements just written. Please note the outer portion of the right leg (facing left) and the left leg (facing right) note the races of origins, taking 'root' upon the Earth. There, you will see the Cosmic Evolution of Eons in the races that inhabit this planet. He holds his Staff of Peace, as his Eyes reflect the Cosmos of All Conscious Life, and his Magi's conical hat, reflects his Wisdom. In maturity, he also planted many, many seeds of Love and Wisdom for us to use in order to grow. But, A'Yeshua did one more thing that 'broke the Cosmic Bank, and raised the vibratory frequency of the Earth and on, read on.

(Note the Pyramid on the lower portion and the wooden chalice or cup, filled with pearls. Do you see what He is holding? It is the Earth, with Mother and Child. How can we deny ourselves the privilege of this moment? How can we deny others the privilege of this moment? We simply cannot, and not suffer horrendous consequences.


...A'Yeshua, too, planted 'seeds' designed to inspire and coax growth from brutality, bestiality, control, warring factions...into Peaceable Solutions to assist All Mankind. From the highest to the lowest, he came to Teach, Seed, and Ransom those lost, and mired in dense matter. His Presence, Teachings, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension paved the way onto the Eternal Highway Home...but it is also meant to be accessed, to moment. But....He spoke about a Loving, Caring GOD...A GOD, He did not doubt....How could such a Loving Father/Mother, plan to have His Son annihilated? GOD DID NOT.....THE SHADOW WITHIN HUMANITY DID THAT...BY WAY OF HATRED AND INTOLERANCE, FUELED BY FEAR. As such, this, I believe, was what the Biblical Narrative intended to communicate....It is, then, easy to see how the 'level of consciousness', communication and lack of education could create a distorted picture of our past.

    Despite the Christ Consciousness and Unconditional Love that A'Yeshua brought to us, re-planted into the ethers, into Hearts and Souls, to be accessed anytime, anywhere in Love....Despite this, Humanity has a propensity for Power and Control and Hatred. And they (those who crucified him) used their weapons on Him. Many have come since then, bearing the Torch of Freedom for All , only to be silenced. But, despite these atrocities, the Flame burns brighter than ever. IT CAN NEVER BE EXTINGUISHED!

   Today, we are at the Apex....The Bridge has been built and the Portals (Gates) opened by the Master Architect and Builder, who left His Ascended Consciousness in every Breath We Breathe. Those breaths, contain His Ascended Consciousness. Our Awareness of this fact and our Intention to access this Manna is Ours for the Taking...and Consciously Given to the World at large. It is Free to All...All. But, as was stated, earlier, it must be SHARED through Good Will and acts of Kindness...It cannot and must not be held in selfishness, or it will sour in your stomach. GOOD WILL COSTS NOTHING...IT IS THE GOLD OF LIFE....FREE WILL IS OUR CHOICE.

 For over two thousand years, the Teaching, the corollaries between cultures and scriptures are evident, yet, many have failed miserably to pick up the 'seeds', generously given to them, in order to live in harmony. As a whole, Humanity has chosen the darkness of dense matter that Satan has offered him, rather than the Light of Christ. But, alas, God will not be mocked! He/She always has an Ace up'It's Sleeve' or a Wild Card to play....Always! (Of course, this is not a card game! It is actually not a 'game' at all...It is a Cosmic Love Story of the Highest Order!)

    Now, in this 21st Century, we continue to choose, not so wisely. Distractions abound, and we have played into them. We have allowed the media and technology to control us, our thoughts, our decisions, our most private, cherished thoughts and feelings, stolen at every moment with our impulses on hand-held devices. No Wisdom found here. Rather than heed the Wisdom of many Wise Teachers, (and there are thousands, perhaps millions,) we have fallen into the Paranas' Pit that inhabits the planet and its ethers. And, they are grateful that we have....They are Feasting on our Folly! We are so immersed in 'LaLaLand' that, as a Humanity, we have no firm footing on the Earth or in Heaven. Mother Earth is shaking her fist! She is railing at us! Our young are going buzzerk, as we march on in denial. Where is the Cosmic Intelligence that IS Humanity? It is each one of us! All we need do is tap into it. The simplest often seems the hardest. The Breath, breathed deeply , with the Eyes, closed...marks the beginning of our Journey Home out of the Paranas' Pit....into the 'Within' that is the real you. Developing your Soul's Consciousness is the task to undertake. Breathe deeply, Breathe deeply...You Are A Child of the Most High God! 

Hear This Well...    

    You see, my Brothers and Sisters, All...while Mother Earth was preparing for our arrival, millenniums ago, she was also creating adaptable species for us...from the 'dust of the Earth.' WE, ARE NOT OF THE EARTH! WE, ARE THE DUST OF STARS, SEEDED BILLIONS OF YEARS AGO. We are aliens on this planet, who came from the Heavens. We have not evolved from dinosaurs or alligators. WE ARE OF ANOTHER GENETIC CODE, altogether. But, our friend, The Shadow, has convinced us that we have come from the lower, we often insist on acting like them! Instead of the Majestic, Noble Beings We Are....from the GOD STAR!

We are Star Dust Clothed in Dense Matter....

    Once you 'get this' something kicks in to your Consciousness and re-connects you to your ethereal roots, still intact, but invisible to the naked eye...just like 'Breath...' invisible, yet immutable, until your ship sails in to take you home. So, where is all this with Sacred Scripture? Why haven't we been told this? Where is all of this jargon going? What about May 20, 2018 at 2 am (mst)? Good questions. We must remember that not all stories of Creation are contained in the Bible. The ones that provide a 'road map home' are there, and still applicable in these modern times...but we have forgotten, or chosen not to use those 'simple, straight-forward steps. Once the quagmire deepened, as it was in the beginning, so it seems, now...with one huge exception. The Rescue Mission has taken place. The Gate has been opened. And, We Know Better, Now....It Is Up To Us.  

     Life, In its natural state, works in harmony with itself for the good of all...if we let it. It is Man who has set his own traps. Now, he is trapping himself, and he crying 'Wolf!'. Sincerity, is Key and that Key may turn once in the Lock of God's Grace, but, if you cry 'Wolf!' watch out! Now, the Earth is VOLATILE! SHE HAS HAD IT! (And all the while, most thought she was inert...a hard ball of clay.....She is a living, breathing, conscious entity, and she is responding to our self-imposed ignorance.) Like these words, or not, what is written is what it is...Truth. She has prepared a Feast for us, and we trash it! She has spent billions of years gestating to receive us, and we waste her Gifts! WE, HUMANITY, ARE THE ONLY SELF-CONSCIOUS SPECIES MADE IN THE IMAGE OF THE CREATOR GOD...YET, WE CHOOSE TO BE LED BY THE NOSE BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE THAT WE GIVES OUR POWER AWAY TO WHO KNOWS WHO...THAT LEADS US INTO WHO KNOWS WHAT .............??? Strange, that the other evolved species on the planet have adapted to take care of their wastes, creating sustainability or adapting to new environs, unless annihilated by man. It won't be long before they will reject us...calling us the 'lower species.'

The Time Has Come...

   Mother Earth is writhing with birth pangs, yet, many ignore her...though not all. Many are awakening to the needs of the Planet as a Conscious Entity and as a Higher Intelligence. But, somewhere, the wheels are stuck...the air, too thick to breathe...the leaders, not Divinely Inspired for the Good of All. Selfish gain, childish political games have turned America and the world into a wrestling match of toddlers having temper tantrums...playing with Nuclear Weapons. We have sold out our children for I Phones and get them out of our 'hair,' while we play 'grown up' like Barbie and Ken...porno style...not responsible, grown up style. We have sold ourselves out! WE HAVE! Satan and his Legions have duped us and we bought it...despite the help sent and Education given, from above. Now, it is up to US to dig our way out of this mess. It is only our intention, our forgiveness and our action that is needed. Help is available.... Are we too lazy and apathetic to care? ...Too Proud to Ask?... If the answer to these questions is 'Yes", the Truth, then, is, We love the 'lie'...Do we really understand what this means for us?

    The American Dream was intended to instill a Noble Character, Creativity, Independence, Harmony, Brotherhood, Compassion, Personal Responsibility, Co-operation, and All Good Things...for All...for the Whole World. Is that happening? And will fighting with and against one another quench the flames of hatred, now upon us? NO! HATRED IS BURNING IN AMERICA AND THE WORLD! WE MUST....MUST.. STOP THIS INSANITY!

The Earth Has Been Working for Us All Along....

     Her jewels, seeded, also, from the stars, have been sown...and all is in place. She has prepared for us, just as we prepare for our children, (most of the time.) But, we were not ready to be Responsible with her Gifts. Life, has been patiently waiting for us to choose our Destiny...Collectively...Individually. It is a matter of INTENTION and FOLLOW-THROUGH. Will it be PEACE OR WAR? The Answer is Simple: A SHIFT IN INTENTION TO PEACE...THEN PEACEFUL ACTION...ON THE PART OF EACH OF US IS ALL THAT IS REQUIRED. Look in the mirror...what do you see...a spec, or a plank as big as a tree? Intend to root it out and do it! That Shift in Intention will be supported by the Cosmos! I Promise! (If Siri, Alexa, whoever the artificial technological device is, 'can do it', then, What Can WE Do With our Intention? WE CAN SHIFT THE CONSCIOUSNESS TO SUPPORT AND SUSTAIN LIFE, AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE. What is your answer? GOD Watches for our Next Move...It May Be Our Last, As A Civilization....

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For several years now, Pope Francis has been speaking to the whole world about the "Divine Year of Mercy." That year was begun in 2015....It has been extended several times and is due to end at the close of 2018. (See Prophecies 2017 & 2015 for more details.) As a benevolent gesture of Love for Humanity, God has authorized a "'New Seeding' for the Earth. On May 20, 2018, at 2:00 AM MST, the amalgamation of Love, into a 'New Gold' from Constellations, Galaxies, Universes, yet known to Humanity, has occurred....

     For centuries and centuries the supplications and sincere prayers of the 'awakened ones' have been heard and registered on a universal time-clock and processed into an alchemical vat or cauldron as the purest liquid gold of the highest order, through Divine Alchemy. So, what makes 'This Gold' so Special? It is the Gold of Human Consciousness coupled with GOD Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness, in a Trinity of Restoration to its Original State of Being. It is the Return of Spirit into Matter, Complete. AND, THE SEEDING WAS DONE BY A'YESHUA...(JESUS.) Since his Resurrection and Ascension, these 'Seeds of Consciousness' have been planted into every 'breath', and accessed through (FAITH) Human Awareness and Free Will. Life IS SIMPLE! It is WE who make it complicated! FAITH IS THE KEY...THOUGH YOUR CARNAL MIND IS NOT ABLE TO UNDERSTAND, YOUR HEART DOES!.

     Each time the Sun in this Earth's Solar System shines through the Portals of Time, Cosmic Consciousness catalyzes a new burst of Awareness unto the Earth. At these Solstices, Equinoxes, Religious and Spiritual Celebrations and Rituals...each time...aligned with the Earth, Our Sun...Son of God...Son of Man...enters in with a New Breath of Love for each Sacred Supplication made on Behalf of the Earth and sincere, upward striving, growing individuals, and groups. This, after all, has been the purpose for 'When two or more are gathered in My Name.' God, indeed, has ITS Own Methods, unbeknownst to man....what we call, AMAZING GRACE. (By the way, 'GOD within each one of us, counts for 'two gathered in my name.' ) A good parent usually works in Silence...and in Secret, Observing, all the while Creating a better future for It's children..

     Over eons, those 'Breaths of Cosmic Consciousness have condensed...coupled with, and predicated on our sincere participation and genuine desire to do putting a heartfelt donation in the basket. Each time this was done, through Cosmic Order, the Cosmic Clock was set to take a toll of where Humanity stood as a civilization growing, developing, Star-Seeded Species, at that juncture. The Hopes, Prayers, Good Works, Love in Action and God's Love for Humanity danced and intertwined in glorious fluidity...until....On this auspicious Shavout~Pentecost Sunday, 2018, the 'Basket of Love's Gold Overflowed' and the toll has tipped the scales.....Centuries and centuries of longing for Humanity to return Home with due access has spoken loudly enough to GOD...that we are ready to get our 'Act Together.' Though, it is far from over; it has begun!


     An analogy would be like this....A person is stranded on some desolate spot and when all seems lost, HELP ARRIVES JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME! That is exactly what has happened here! The 'Hundredth Monkey' phenomenon has worked, one more time. Now, the Covenant made by Ayeshua is set for His Return...not only Within the Individuals in Humanity, who acknowledge Him, but, in His Actual Vital Body! In addition to the amalgamation into the Gold of Love by the supplications of prayers/intentions/ good works/ sincere souls upon the Earth being heard and supported by the Universe, we have lent our own atomic structures in our Spiritual Bodies to Him, that His entry be made smooth and unimpeded. Get Your Oil Lamps Ready! The more we anticipate this Cosmic Event...the more we escalate its Actuality! HE DID HIS PART, TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO...IT IS PAST TIME THAT WE DO OURS!

There is still yet time...What is Your Intention? The Life Within us is a Creative Mystical Storehouse of Energy waiting for us to turn the tables on unnecessary negativity....The Gold of Love's Creativity waits for your Direction. Use it Wisely.....

"But, Wait....Didn't You Just Say, Previously,That We Were All Going to Hell in a Hand Basket.*..That This Might Be The Last for This Civilization?"

   Yes, I did! Then, why would the Purest Liquid Gold be placed within the Earth, now? What good is it dong there? The truest answer is: GOD can do anything IT wants to! He/She does not have to ask OUR permission. As a matter of fact, GOD watches us...charges us to grow in character and nobility and we go about our lives, as though WE were in charge of everyone else's business, not our own! The point, here, is that Mankind has grown too big for its britches...yet, all the while in the wings, in the Silence of their Souls, there are those who have heard, who have supplicated while others laughed and mocked them as insane. Those, who have sacrificed their lives for Love and Freedom. Those, who gave up precious time to assist and help others to a better way...It is because of them that we can all breathe more easily. They have made a cushion for our baskets out of Love and Good Works. Anyone can do this, if they choose....and...It Feels So Good! So, despite the wretched acts of betrayal and mutiny of the ignorant, though we may have suffered, those who have labored in the fields of Love, despite the hardships, have 'rocked the boat and tipped the sails' and have overturned the Darkness that appears to our carnal senses. They have transmuted World Karma to the extent that the Earth can now House this New Cosmic Impulse of Love, in Purest Gold. This Gold is housed in an unknown Chamber that no man or demon can access. It will stay in this molten state for the next 1,000 years and continue to precipitate its wealth and beauty from the SEEDING OF LOVE, until GOD'S MYSTERY is fully revealed.

      This Mystery has already been set in place....It is SAFELY INTEGRATED INTO THE EARTH, in a tamper-proof vault that no man or demon can access. Man does not need this has need of FAITH, as in a Mustard trusting, relaxing in innocent childlike anticipation....the Father in Heaven will take care of your needs....That has been promised, provided you ditch Greed, Avarice...and the Shadow...and FEAR. There is more than enough for everyone.


Back to the Beginning...Into Now...

       In the beginning, as infants in dense matter, we were admonished not to partake of the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil....We are no longer infants in dense matter, but have we learned to handle that metaphor for 'Knowledge?' Ponder this deeply within yourselves. It is time...past take Personal Responsibility for Ourselves and our Environment, giving all Glory to God for the Privilege of the Creative Breath of Consciousness and the Manifestation as His/Her Sons and Daughters of Light on this Vital Body of Mother Earth, our Home. Where else are We going to Breathe the Breath of Christ?  


An Invitation to Prayer....

      We call All, throughout the Ages, who, in the Name of Love, Freedom, Joy and Peace, have given their all...Knowingly, Courageously, and with great certainty that One Love may reign and proclaim its Freedom and Sovereignty upon, through and within the central core of Planet Earth...extending to all planets and celestial bodies of our Universe and all Universes, Galaxies, and Peaceable Domains beyond the Stars, now, in this Moment of Conception and Transformation for all Infinity.

     We extend the hand of Friendship and Peaceable Co-Habitation to the Cosmos. We invite all who hear, wish and know, within the Free Will of their Hearts and Souls to Speak, Sing, Dance, Beat the Drums, Radiate, and Express from the Silence of their Souls, Gratitude to the Eternal One Love, now flowing within our veins and the veins of Mother Earth for the Good of All. Amen and Amen.

  Through, Dr. Ann Essance, ThD, Be Well, My Brothers and Sisters, Be Well! (Copyright protected, Intuitive Concepts One Media Ministries)  

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'Love's Veins of Purest Gold' excerpted from the painting 'My Cup' Ann Essance, copyright, Reflections of Life Collection.

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JERUSALEM ISRAEL: THE TEMPLE COURYARD (2009) RESEARCH EXPEDITION FOR TAPESTRY IN TIME...A WOVEN MEMORY VOLUME 1 ' Out of the stump of David's family tree will grow a new shoot-- Yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old shoot.' Isaiah:11:1

Below:  A Jerusalem art market place, 2009, while I was doing research on Volume 1, Tapestry In Time...A Woven Memory.

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"Be at Peace...and Know that I Am God..." Psalm 46:10


So it has come to pass that in October, 2019, I was given a Prayer entitled: "Ode to the Galactic Rose." (Visit the Prayer Page for more.) At that time, we, here in America, knew nothing about the the Corona Virus Pandemic, at least to my knowledge.) At a recent Mass, on Palm Sunday, 2020, I shared this prayer with those gathered in prayer. Since that time, I have been made aware that this Prayer was gifted to Humanity in order to help eradicate the blight of the Corona Virus. I will repeat that prayer, here.

History of "Ode to the Galactic Rose," October, 2019

    The iridescent pastel colors are inspired by the Corona Borealis surrounding the Moon, which is the Divine Feminine Attribute of the Godhead. Each pastel color represents a Divine Feminine Aspect of God...softness, sweetness, purity, patience, love, compassion, etc.

    Each person is given a Luminous Color with a "Virtue" A different Color and Virtue is the focus of each "round." Before each recitation, repeat this introduction:


We Begin...

"I invoke the Highest Frequency of Love with this Prayer. Color: (example: iridescent Light Yellow__________

I invoke the Healing Angel Guardian of (example: Forgiveness)...Hail Mary..."

The "Iridescent Hail Mary" may be said alone, or in the form of a "Rosary." For example: There are (7) seven luminous colors, and virtues. Repeat all 4x's which equals 28 recitations. This is the number of the Feminine Cycle of Moon as she relates to the human feminine reproductive system on Earth. You may recite these prayers in ways that honor the Divine Feminine within yourself, whether you be in male or female embodiment.


"I invoke the Highest Frequency of Love with this Prayer: Color_________ I invoke the Angel Guardian of ________. Then, the Hail Mary..."

Iridescent Pastel Yellow Light                         Angel Guardian of Forgiveness                  Ode to the Galactic Rose

Iridescent Pastel Blue Light                            Angel Guardian of Peace                            Ode to the Galactic Rose

Iridescent Pastel Pink Light                            Angel Guardian of Patience                       Ode ot the Galactic Rose

Iridescent Pastel Green Light                         Angel Guardian of Life                               Ode to the Galactic Rose

Iridescent Pastel Aquamarine Light             Angel Guardian of Purity                           Ode to the Galactic Rose

Iridescent Pastel Lavender Light                   Angel Guardian of Trust                            Ode to the Galactic Rose

Iridescent Pure White Light                           Angel Guardian of Devotion to God         Ode to the Galactic Rose

Prayer to The Galactic Rose

Hail Mary filled with Grace Blessed Art Thou Among the Stars

Blessed is your womb that nurtured the Christ Consciousness upon the Earth

Now transcended in the ever-expanding Heavens

We honor you as Guardian of the Galaxies

We laud you as the Stellar Maris

We beseech you as Mother of our Redeemer

Oh! Galactic Rose!

Be with us Now! and Always on our Journey Home!


One Year, Earlier....


 As GOD"S Mercy continues to expand man's time frame upon the Earth that he (man) may awaken to himself and his responsibility for himself before God...first; then, to his fellowman. See how simple life is and can be....Soon the Gate will be locked! Which side of the Gate will you choose to be on? It is your call...God waits for you to decide....


 FOR too long, much too long, humanity has been back-sliding into perdition. (Now, I realize that this "negative tone" will turn some of you "off", however, allow this "tone" to awaken you to the fact of your glorious future, if you act, now! Please, Do not tarry!)

John 21: "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you!"

Then, he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit! If you forgive anyone's sins. they are forgiven.

if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." (*Tyndale Ed.)

Here, My Brothers and Sisters, Jesus is telling us of the Power we hold over others,

To Forgive...or Not Forgive! 

     So thus it began that Easter week in 2019. I do not recall that I was prepared to speak out with such gusto as I did, however, since that revelation, circumstances on the Planet have escalated and the heightened awareness in humanity has become very clear...We need to pay close attention to these. words. (Jesus had given me, what I was told at the time, in 2017, 'the last call.') But our GOD loves us so much that He/She (the All In All) extends His Love to the limits that mankind allows.

     In these latter years, mankind has ramped up his engines, explored and tempted technology, sought the limits of pornography, blamed everything on 'everyone else' rather than looking within himself for the deepest meanings of Life. Now, we have our backs against the wall. If we do not come together in love and forgiveness, there is no hope for us. I do not wish to say this, but it is true...I know it...and You know it! The Corona Virus has arrived! And with it, the possibility of annihilating Life on Earth as we know it!

     So, I began with these (paraphrased) words gifted to me by the Holy Spirit that Sunday in 2019: "I call all who have the financial resources to assist in balancing the Planet and to help those in need. If you are in the upper 1%, if you are over 1 million in 'secured' resources, God is asking me to tell you that all belongs to HIM! He needs you to stop hoarding your wealth, as though you were its author! He knows that the EGO is playing hard-ball with the minds of men and that men are being led astray! They are choosing HEAVEN HERE in this temporal world, rather than living in forgiveness and building bridges to the next world that Jesus secured for us. Our Lives belong to GOD! They are not OURS! We have our shoes on the wrong feet! The time has come....

     If you have the gift of philanthropy, you must use it to help the Planet and its people. When you dine in restaurants, with a bill that can feed a family of four for a month...then, you walk outside, with a toothpick in your teeth, and see a beggar in need of food; what is your response? Pity? Generosity? Compassion? Disgust? Blame? Judgement? I warn you, this IS you! It is a 'side" of you that you "could"be and may need to experience in this "game' we call life. Who is to say you will wake up, tomorrow? Who is to say you will still have your wealth (or, at least, what you call "wealth"if you do wake up?)

     The time has come: God asks me to deliver this message to you: "The Planet and All Life has reached its Apex. There is no where to run or hide, as all is being exposed. There is a way, however, that can 'buy some time' and possibly turn the tables right-side-up...You, those of you who have amassed generations of wealth, who have 'played' with it, who have squandered it, you do not have an edge into heaven...unless you are willing to listen to this prophecy...and take affirmative action to help balance the energies on the Planet...otherwise, the consequences will be beyond catastrophic for organic life on the Earth! And, the Planet? Well, She will do what she always has done...She will begin again as a cold, hard matrix of meteoric rock...until God deems it time for "Organic Life" to begin all over again; with one exception, one monumental exception. Housed, in a 'secret chamber' the Gold of Love has been forever planted, that Gold differs from man's gold...That Gold is the Organic Cosmic Gold of Love. it Represents impregnating the Christ Consciousness into the Earth in condensed form. "Ah! But what about us...what about our love, and the other Earth Creatures that have evolved and mutated and adapted over billions and billions of years? What about Christ Consciousness, here and now?" These and other questions are a Mystery to Man...who has a magnificent brain, if he chooses to use it for the highest good and in Harmony with God's Cosmic Brain; but, often he chooses arrogance over goodness and plain old 'common sense.'

     "Take time to come to Me in Prayer. Forgive All! " says God. Then, make a commitment to use your abundance for the Good of the Whole; for unless you share the wealth you have amassed, it will allude you before you die. Without the help of those in the private sector whose hearts turn to Me, who see themselves in their brothers' and sisters' circumstances; unless all of the wealthy humble themselves before me, they cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they don't need to...they will always be counting their coop and worrying about their losses. (Feel free to consult Sacred Scripture on any and all of the Prophesies in this website.)

     Once you have made amends and forgiven all, recognize that you have been blest with your wealth for a higher purpose in these times.

Offering to begin a new, creative, start-up to help feed the hungry...(Have you ever been so hungry that you cried from the pain?) You may wish to blame others for this condition, but, I say unto you, This Is Your Test! Hoard it and I will turn the food at your table into stone! I am not telling you this in jest! Take no less than 12% of your holdings and begin to balance the inequities you see around you. Take 20%, 30%, 40% and more....(Take the example of other philanthropists like Mike Bloomberg and other like-minded and full-hearted souls) who are making a positive difference in the world of life on the Planet. They are very Wise! They are giving the people of the Earth the opportunity to more than survive! Take it! The Millenials are here! They will know how use "energy" to benefit Life on Earth!

     "Most men have forgotten Me...They pay no attention to the Power that I hold, because, they believe (erroneously so) that they hold the Power...Each man will be accountable to Me. Salvation was Purchased by my Son, for Everyone...not just the rich and famous! . . . not just the Roman Catholic Church, or other organized religions. Spend your time developing a Personal Relationship with Me. That is why Jesus ("Ayeshua") was sent, in part, that you would know Me and My Love for you.  Trust Him. Speak to Him. Pour out your heart to Him. If you waste that precious Purchase, you have wasted the purpose of your Life on Earth."

     "The eye of the needle is very small...Look, you fools, the camels are coming!" Jehovah Jirah, 2020.

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